A fun event combining fertility yoga and nutrition information FRI JUNE 7TH 7:00PM - 8:30PM A fun 90 mins free event for anyone on their fertility journey, partners included. Join us for an evening filled with fertility yoga and education in our beautiful studio. You will be guided through a 45 minute fertility yoga class designed to help you melt away stress, and to focus your intentions with a beautiful meditation led by Yoga Mamas Community Manager, Michelle Righetti. Movement will be focused on encouraging optimal conditions for fertility by reducing stress, relieving tension and promoting circulation. Guests will also learn some soothing poses that you can perform alone, or with a partner for ultimate bonding and stress relief. Directly afterwards you will enjoy complimentary tea and a 30 minute workshop on prenatal nutrition led by our Naturopathic Doctor, Nikita Sander. There will also be a Q&A period for guests to ask their own nutrition and supplementation questions. You will leave:
This event is open to anyone hoping their fertility journey, and partners are encouraged to attend. Join us for a restorative eveningWear: Anything that you feel comfortable moving in. Bring: Just yourself and perhaps a notepad and pen. Yoga mats, bolsters, blocks, water and tea will be provided. FRIDAY MAY 10TH 7:00PM - 8:30PM We are celebrating you beautiful mama and your hard working, soul filling, body exhausting, radiant journey within motherhood. With an evening filled with flowing yoga and guided meditation, the focus will be on self love and self care. Movement will be intentional warming up the body and restoring the spirit. Guided meditation and special acupressure points will be woven throughout softening your shoulders, calming your mind and filling up your heart. This special class is open to prenatal and postnatal mamas. The sequence led will be safe for both. Each mama will leave with a small pretty gift in celebration of Mother's Day. Our Mama Glow Event Leaders:
Sweat, sculpt and stretch in our new 4 Week Body Tone Bootcamp. Enjoy a 75 min full body workout that starts with an energizing bootcamp session led by Trainer Justine Keyserlingk and ends with a renewing yoga sequence led by Yoga Mamas' founder Jamie Kalynuik. This class is for postnatal mamas. Come alone or bring your baby. If you're looking for strengthening movement to tone your muscles, but also love the stretching and grounding of yoga - this 4 week series is for you! SPRING SESSION MAY 13TH - JUNE 10TH MONDAYS FROM 1:45PM - 3:00PM NO CLASS ON MAY 20TH Spring is on its way Mamas! The chilled air will soon give way to languid breezes and the frozen earth will soften as April showers encourage new growth. Springtime is a special season for Mama-to-be; as Mother Nature prepares to blossom with life, so too do you. This season is buzzing with anticipation, preparation, and eagerness as we emerge from the long winter months, and no one understands anticipation like an expectant Mama. This is a time of year when the beauty of nature holds a mirror to your life’s journey. Today we’re offering a special spring meditation for Mamas—an inspiring visualization exercise to help you connect with Babe and harness the transformational power of the season. Not only are you preparing your Little One for life beyond the womb, but you are also blossoming into motherhood. To get started, you’ll need to make yourself comfortable. Roll out your yoga mat in a quiet space. If the weather is nice, you might like to try this meditation outdoors. Have a light blanket, and a few pillows close by. Sit tall with your legs crossed; a pillow can be used to elevate your hips. The reading portion of this exercise will take about 5 minutes, but we encourage you to linger in meditation for as long as feels good to you. Feel free to lie down once the reading portion is complete, using your pillows and blanket to settle into complete ease for the duration of your meditation. Take several deep breaths in and out. Let each breath greet your body with complete kindness. Welcome your body and mind into this moment. Here you are safe, supported, and at ease. (Pause) Let the next several breaths greet your Babe with love. Welcome your Babe into this moment with you. Within your body, Babe is safe, supported, and at ease. You are sitting in a sprawling meadow surrounded by pale gold grass. The long months of winter are melting away. A soft breeze moves across the meadow and it sweeps through the grass like a gentle wave. You sit and listen to the whispering grass. The soft rush comes, and then goes. As you breath in and out you become as vast as the sprawling meadow. Your body feels spacious and free. You place your hands on your growing belly. No one knows the many months of work you will do in preparation for Babe to be born, but Mother Nature understands. Within the sleeping ground life is stirring. You feel the potential of the earth beneath you and welcome the radical change of spring. The sun is growing stronger. It warms your face, your neck, and your shoulders. The sun softens the ground in preparation for seedlings, saplings, and sprouts to push through. Leaning forward you plant your palms on the ground. Spring’s transformational energy travels through your hands into your body—a gift from your Mother. As you breath in and out you are connected to the rhythm of this season. Your body feels infinite and mighty. All around you, the golden meadow begins to change. Fresh green seedlings begin to reach towards the sky. The sprawling meadow becomes lush and alive, filled with colourful flowers of every shape and size—yellow daisies on swaying stalks, delicate lily of the valley, and vibrant tulips of orange, purple, and pink. The air smells sweet and new. You hear the hum of bees and ladybugs dancing from bloom to bloom. Take a deep breath in, and out. Everything in this place is filled with life. You are connected to everything around you, from the glowing sun above, to the rich soil below. Rest in this beautiful meadow. Lie down and continue to notice the sights, sounds, and smells for as long as you like. Your body feels peaceful and at ease. When you are ready to wake up your mind and body bring your attention back to the space you are in. Wake up your muscles by opening and closing your hands, shrugging your shoulders, and wiggling your toes. Open your eyes and sit quietly for a moment. Remember that as a Mama-to-be the power of spring is within you! Throughout your journey to motherhood, you may notice how often nature is a reflection of your changing body. Connecting with the rhythm of the seasons is a way to live in harmony with Mother Nature, and trust in the wisdom of your own body.
For a fun and kid-friendly visualization exercise, try our Beach Meditation for Kids. |
December 2024