What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?Pelvic floor physiotherapy is the specialized area of physiotherapy that treats and improves function of the pelvic floor. The primary goal of pelvic floor physiotherapy is to improve the overall strength and functionality of the pelvic floor muscles. This involves assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles internally and externally by a Registered Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist.
Just as each person journeying towards parenthood is unique, every trimester of pregnancy brings about different experiences—both wondrous... and, well, less than glamorous. From a glowing complexion to backache and swelling, our bodies go through incredible changes as we nourish and grow the Little Ones within us. Whether or not you practiced yoga before pregnancy, prenatal yoga is an excellent way to stay fit, connect with Baby, and prepare for labor as you journey through all the ups and downs of becoming a parent.
Today we’re sharing six yoga poses you can begin today, which are ideal for people in their 1st trimester. Updated February 16 2024
You've made the decision to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist, and now it's time to decide who to see. When choosing a pelvic floor physiotherapist try posting in mom groups, or asking your friends for recommendations. A pelvic floor physiotherapy appointment usually involves an internal exam, so it's important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with and can connect to. Written By Jennifer Maleus, MA, Registered Psychotherapist
Prenatal anxiety is one of the most common experiences among pregnant and postpartum mamas. However, oftentimes, worries, concerns and anxiousness during pregnancy may be attributed to simply being pregnant. Prenatal anxiety is when worries, anxious feelings and concerns are running through your mind and body most days, most of the time. When a worry related to pregnancy, self, mothering and/or baby doesn’t fade with time, seems like it’s on a loop track in your mind, and feels pervasive, is a strong indication of prenatal anxiety. |
September 2024