Vera is a part of Yoga Mamas Doula team. She is an experienced and compassionate Toronto birth and postpartum doula who is passionate about providing a strong foundation of love for future humans. As a mother to two independent and creative teenagers, Vera has called Toronto home for her entire life and has attended births in other cities when opportunities arise.
Finally, the 2nd Trimester! By now many of your friends and family are wise to your ‘good news’, and you can sigh a breath of relief knowing that your coworkers are no longer speculating on your frequent bathroom breaks (or constant snacking). Although your body continues to stretch and grow as baby develops, many women experience a renewed sense of energy in their 2nd trimester –Hooray! Time to harness that chutzpah and roll out your mat.
Today we’re sharing six yoga poses, which are ideal for women in your 2nd trimester. You can also check out our post featuring poses for your 1st trimester. They say the first time you’ll ever experience truly selfless love is when you become a Mama; from the day you channel loving intentions to your baby bump, to the many ways you change your lifestyle in order to care for your child. No one can deny that motherhood is next-level when it comes to expressions of love. And although endless cuddles are all it takes to convince babe that they are loved beyond all else, you may be searching for creative ways to show your affection as your little one gets older.
December 2024