By Penny Nightingale, Registered Acupuncturist Labour prep acupuncture is a series of treatments at the end of your pregnancy to help prepare your body for labour and birth. Ideally starting at 36 weeks, mamas-to-be receive weekly treatments to promote a natural and efficient labour and childbirth. Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy? This is by far the biggest (and probably most important) question... Yes! If practiced by a Registered Acupuncturist. As well as being safe, it is also a drug and side effect free which makes it a great choice during pregnancy. Will it make me go into labour? No. The labour prep acupuncture protocol focuses on softening the cervix, aiding the baby into optimal position, calming the mind and relaxing the pelvic muscles to prepare for birth. (There are additional points that are used to induce labour if a woman is past her due date or scheduled for a medical induction). Where do they put the needles?! Most of the points are on the arms and legs. Don’t worry, needles won’t be anywhere near your cervix. Does it hurt? There can definitely be some sensations during your labour prep acupuncture session... most common is a feeling of heaviness or tingling (this is seen as a good thing). But it shouldn’t be painful. What are the benefits of acupuncture in pregnancy? A study looking at women who received labour prep acupuncture shows shorter and less painful labours as well as:
Interested in booking a labour prep acupuncture session in Toronto? Visit our wellness center located on Queen Street East in Leslieville. Learn more and book an appointment here. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Penny Nightingale is a registered acupuncturist living in Leslieville with her husband and baby boy Griffin. Penny has always had a special interest in providing care and support to women in all stages of their reproductive lives. Her goal is to help women get pregnant, stay pregnant, and have a beautiful pregnancy and birth experience. During school she focused her internships in fertility support clinics as well as pre and post natal care. After having her son, she became deeply passionate about offering pregnancy and postpartum treatments. With a deep belief in the power of traditional chinese medicine and our body’s innate ability to heal, Penny guides the body to rebalance itself. Penny practices acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy, mindfulness meditation and nutrition. With care and compassion, she applies a whole-person philosophy to design an individual treatment plan for each person. Penny Nightingale, R.Ac, holds a Diploma of Acupuncture from the renowned Institute of Traditional Medicine in Toronto. She has has had the opportunity to study with leaders in the field including Debra Betts, Peter Firebrace, Heiner Fruehauf and Paul Pitchford. Comments are closed.
December 2024