I recently shared a conversation with Christine, co-owner of 889 Yoga, about the excitement and renewal we both feel with September arriving. Vacations are over and the energy in our studios pick back up as mamas return to their mats. But a busier studio means a busier me...what about my mat? My yoga practice?
I hold most of my personal practice at Christine's studio, and so after some additional conversation with her, and self-reflection, I've listed a few ways that will keep me coming back to my mat. Maybe they will help you come back to yours ♡ 1. Put it in your calendar You create space for work, family events, coffee with friends, hair appointments etc in your calendar, why not yoga? Make an appointment in your calendar for self-care and practice. Treat it with the same importance and discipline you do with any other event in your schedule. This is an important time for you to renew and reset. It allows you to rebuild so you can welcome all of the other commitments in your life more refreshed and grounded. Find a time slot that works for you, and make it a non-negotiable to yourself. *I have chosen our Tuesday morning vinyasa class with Sunny, and every other Wednesday and Sunday at 889 Yoga. That way I know I'm practicing twice a week with some scheduling flexibility. 2. Create a ritual Add in just a little extra something for yourself around each class. Maybe arrive 15 mins early to roll on some essential oils and close your eyes on your mat allowing yourself to fully arrive. After class perhaps treat yourself to yummy tea or latte from a coffee shop that you can bring home with you - think of it as an extension of your practice. At home can you journal or continue with moving meditation with an adult colouring book... and maybe some wine? Whatever it is, make it meaningful for you. *I pick up a vegetarian soup for myself on the way home after each practice. Knowing that I don't have to cook afterwards and get to enjoy this delicious soup is such a treat. 3. Give {yourself} thanks How often are you putting others before you? Your family, work, commitments with friends? Coming to your mat means making time for yourself. Putting you first. You could have said no, you could have slept in, you could have done SO many other things - but you chose to arrive and practice. It is incredibly important for you to recognize that and give yourself genuine thanks and self love for creating space in your life just for you ♡ *Instead of ending my practice with a group om, I end it with a moment of silence and gratitude just for me. Looking forward to practicing with you this fall mamas! Check out our updated fall schedule here. xo Jamie Contributed by Jamie Kalynuik, Founder of Yoga Mamas. Comments are closed.
December 2024