Originally published on todaysparent.com. Written by Celeste Percy-Beauregard. Updated July 19, 2022. After the birth of her daughter, Celeste Percy-Beauregard, mama and contributor to parenting magazine Today's Parent, wrote about her birth story, cesarean delivery, and her experience with Cesarean Scar Release Therapy at Yoga Mamas. "I didn't mind the way my scar looked, but I hated the way it felt: overstretched, too tight and uncomfortable beneath my skin, like a callous." After trying regular c-section scar massage at home, Celeste heard about Caesarean Scar Release Therapy at Yoga Mamas, and gave it a try. In her article Celeste explains:
Cesarean Scar Release Therapy at Yoga Mamas Yoga Mamas offers Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Therapy, a Health Canada and FDA approved treatment, for cesarean section scar release and pain relief. This incredibly healing treatment:
Learn more this game-changing therapy and our qualified and specially trained team of practitioners offering it.
Faye Rauw
8/27/2020 06:25:40 pm
I saw Nav and she is amazing! Congratulations to her in the move & the ability to help online. Comments are closed.
December 2024