They say the first time you’ll ever experience truly selfless love is when you become a Mama; from the day you channel loving intentions to your baby bump, to the many ways you change your lifestyle in order to care for your child. No one can deny that motherhood is next-level when it comes to expressions of love. And although endless cuddles are all it takes to convince babe that they are loved beyond all else, you may be searching for creative ways to show your affection as your little one gets older. We all dread the day our public profession of love will be met with rolling eyes at the schoolyard gates, but the good news is there are lots of ways to say, “I love you” beyond these three magic words! Every child needs to feel loved, however, they won’t all welcome expressions of love in the same way. And most important to consider is that they may not welcome expressions of love in the same way that YOU do. So today we’re sharing 5 different approaches to show your babes you love them! Words Words are powerful. Without a doubt, they are one of the most effective ways to communicate your meaning, which is why the simple words “I love you” are never a bad idea. That said, hearing the same thing over and over again can cause it to lose its depth of meaning! Try telling your little ones how much they mean to you in a new way: look them in the eyes and offer affirmation for their accomplishments, efforts, or simply for being themselves.
Actions They don’t say, “actions speak louder than words” for nothing. Showing your love through kind actions is a wonderful example to set for your babes and one you likely do on a daily basis many times over! From helping them squeeze their mitten-covered hands through their coat sleeves, to tucking them in at night, there is no shortage of ways Mamas can show their unconditional love.
Gifts Gift giving can sometimes be saddled with the stigma of “materialism”, however certain children find extraordinary meaning in these tokens of love. Even a modest gift given with warmth and affection will be treated like a treasure to children who respond to this approach. You might try your hand at a simple DIY project, or perhaps you’ll add your little one’s favorite treat to the shopping cart next time you’re at the grocery store! It doesn’t so much matter what the gift is, so long as it symbolizes your love.
In a day and age where parents often feel stretched thin—between their work, their family’s needs, and their own self-care, among other things—time really is precious. Despite the pleasure of after school activities, and privilege of entertainment systems, some children simply want a little one-on-one time with their Mama. No, you can’t add more hours to the day (if only!), but you can decide to take a few minutes to kneel down with your little one and witness the magic of the moment. Maybe a few to-dos get bumped down the priority list, but we guarantee it will be worth it!
Is there anything better than holding your little one close? Most Mamas would rate a good long cuddle from their babes as a deeply fulfilling expression of love, and the same goes for some children. It’s been scientifically proven that your physical presence, in the form of a hug for example, lowers your child’s heart rate and reduces their feelings of stress. Try these gestures of love to reassure your little one that they are loved by you.
There are so many ways to show your babes just how much you love them, so have fun and be creative! Try a few new ways of expressing your affection and see which approach resonates best with your littles. Not only will you be saying, “I love you” in more ways than usual, but you’ll also be teaching your babes that there are many ways to show others they care. Your initiative has the power to strengthen your Mother/child bond and grow your child’s sense of self-worth, while teaching them ways to communicate feelings from the heart. Comments are closed.
September 2024