Being a Mama is wonderful, but it can also sometimes be a bit of a challenge-especially when it comes to making time for ourselves. We reached out to 8 Mamas from our beautiful community to see what they do to ensure they feel #loved and taken care of. Michelle Tirmandi @michellenutritionMy favourite thing to do for self love is to go to a coffee shop by myself and read and write without any distractions. I also love to go to yoga every week and will often go to coffee after yoga as part of my Sunday ritual. It leaves me feeling refreshed physically and mentally connected to myself! Dr. Sheila Wijayasinghe @drsheilawI have lots of things I do for self care.... one of my favourite has been giving myself permission to take a rest with a nap. Despite the mountain of laundry that’s piled up, the sink full of dishes and more, I find this short quiet time very restorative. Snuggling in with my fur baby helps too! Alyssa Lioutas @alyssalioutasMotherhood is synonymous with multitasking and I think we all (by nature and necessity) are multitasking queens! That said, my favourite thing to do for self love these days is: anything I like to do without multitasking. It sounds silly, but snuggling up and watching a favourite show without folding laundry, getting a pedicure without answering emails, or trying out a delicious new recipe without simultaneously packing a toddler lunch/cleaning out the fridge/prepping another meal has become the epitome of relaxation! Drinking a coffee without doing anything else? Heaven! I think carving out a little time to slow down a bit is key for self love. Mavis Huntley @mavylalaWowza, as a new mom, I really understand now what they say about "mom guilt"! I feel like I've spent my last year feeling guilty that I'm not spending time with friends, that I don't call my sister enough, I don't spend enough time at work, I don't spend enough time at home, my partner needs more attention, my house isn't clean enough, I didn't wash my face (or teeth!) before bed, I wasn't going to give Charlie refined sugar (ha!), and of course the "I'm going to work out every day before the baby gets up"! Making me feel that every minute of every day needs to be spent on 'fixing' these things or doing something productive. It's exhausting. So this year I'm striving to #giveuptheguilt and indulge in moments just for me. Yep, watching that episode of Real Housewives instead of answering emails. Yep, I'm going to nap on Saturday when the baby naps. Yep, booking a babysitter so I can go to that restaurant I've been dying to try. And most importantly putting that phone down in the mornings when it's just me and the wee one watching the sun come up. Solmaz @thecuriouscreatureI truly believe that self love goes deeper than actions and is rooted in our psyche. A few years ago I had a conversation with someone who made me see that, although I deeply empathized with and prioritized the people in my life, I had trouble doing the same for myself. That was a big eyeopener for me so now I practice self love by being more forgiving of myself, by acknowledging my achievements and by being more compassionate towards myself. I find this mentality shift is easier to maintain when I take time to reflect and my three favourite places to that are: during yoga, at the spa and in bed before I fall a sleep. Ashley Hyslop @ashleydawngrindrodI adore my boys. They are my world. Hearing them laugh is music to my ears. I am, however, a big believer in self love and self care. A happy mama usually means a happy child. It is very important to me to take time out each week to do something I enjoy doing. For me that includes simple things like going to the gym, getting a massage or going for a long walk with my pups (alone). My hubby and I also ensure we have a date night at least once every two weeks. It’s a time for us to connect and catch up without being interrupted by the kids. My husband and I were even lucky enough to jet-set to California this summer to have a 6 nights of just us. Kaitlyn Leeb @kaitdubzSelf love for me is always changing. Depending on what I can do to get away and do something for myself is sometimes a challenge. When I’m feeling stressed out, I will go to a candlelight yoga class at TYM and close my eyes and spend an hour on myself! Other times I try to run off to a spa or get a massage done. After carrying around a toddler and running after her daily, these things are pretty important to me and help keep me going. It’s super important to remember to take an evening or an afternoon to myself when needed. After all, Mom’ing can be a tough gig at times! Jena Evans @jenarosemevansSelf love for me is when I am able to get out of the house and reconnect with myself, whether that means going to a Pilates or Yoga class, or taking the time to get some Acupuncture. It's less about what I'm doing and more about the mindset I'm in when I'm doing it. By scheduling some time that is just for me, I feel taken care of and better able to take on my role as a mom! Looking For More Ways To Practice Self Love?
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December 2024