When you become a Mama for the first time, your life is quickly consumed by all things Baby; the softest blankies, the tiniest onesies, the sweetest snuggles. The early days aren’t without their challenges, however every parent has wished their Bundle of Joy could stay little forever, at least once. They say that ‘time flies’, and never will this feel more true than when you’re a parent! Before you know it, your sweet Baby is babbling their first words and tottering around the house—then, suddenly and without warning… your Baby turns two! Ready or not, you’re launched into full-blown toddlerhood (queue grocery store meltdown over sugar frosted cereal). Toddlers are a busy bunch with the uncanny ability to detect unwanted vegetables buried deep in their pasta dishes, and an affinity for responding “NO!” to your best intended directions—sigh. Although parenting a Little between the ages of 18 months and 3 years can be exhausting, there’s plenty to love about this phase. Whether you’re anticipating Baby’s 2nd birthday, or mothering an active youngster already, we have a list of 15 reasons to love having a toddler. In fact, we’ll go so far as to say that, with the right mindset, you may want to rename these years the “terrific twos”!
8. Having the honor of translating their adorable toddler-talk to other adults. “Buebuebue” (blueberry), not to be confused with “Bahbahbah” (butterfly). 9. Seeing cute pairs of sandals, Converse, and rubber boots lined up in the hall—How can such a tiny person need so much footwear! 10. Connecting with another Mama during play dates, while your Little Ones keep each other busy. 11. Joining in sensory play like squeezing playdough, crunching through fallen leaves or splashing in puddles. 12. Shouting “Hooray!” as you watch your Little One goes down the park slide solo for the first time. (No more dirt on your pants Mama, now that’s something to celebrate!) 13. Trying to answer tough questions such as: Do fish sleep? Why is the sky blue? 14. Watching them mimic your daily tasks, such as typing emails or sipping coffee, as they try to be just like Mama. 15. Throwing a fun 2nd Birthday party with a theme you love! Mermaids, unicorns, dinosaurs, we think it’s Mama’s choice (especially if you’ll be prepping all the decorations!) The toddler years can be a real test of parental grit, but every Mama & Papa will agree that watching their baby grow into a proper kid, with no shortage of opinions and personality, is truly amazing. Never again will you witness your Little One go through such dramatic physical and cognitive change as they learn to walk, speak, and find their place in this world. Focus on the magic as your tottering two-year-old experiences all of life’s ‘firsts’. Your child is only a toddler once so enjoy this season of their lives to the fullest! Comments are closed.
September 2024