Labour Prep Acupuncture Services
Labour Prep Acupuncture
Pre labour acupuncture has been shown to reduce rates of medical induction, intervention and caesarean, result in faster and less painful labour and reduced levels of anxiety. Ideally starting at 36 weeks, receive weekly acupuncture until birth. Also called Cervical Ripening Treatment, the pre labour treatments focus on softening the cervix and preparing the pelvis for labour and delivery.
How Chinese Medicine can Help
A clinical study in New Zealand (Betts& Lennox, 2006) showed that giving women pre-birth acupuncture resulted in:
Labour Induction Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be very effective option for women past their due dates or those with a planned medical induction. Acupuncture has been shown to be a safe, non-invasive and drug free method in preparing the body for labour as well as inducing labour. During the appointment you will be taught self-administered acupressure to continue to encourage the induction process.
Pre labour acupuncture has been shown to reduce rates of medical induction, intervention and caesarean, result in faster and less painful labour and reduced levels of anxiety. Ideally starting at 36 weeks, receive weekly acupuncture until birth. Also called Cervical Ripening Treatment, the pre labour treatments focus on softening the cervix and preparing the pelvis for labour and delivery.
How Chinese Medicine can Help
A clinical study in New Zealand (Betts& Lennox, 2006) showed that giving women pre-birth acupuncture resulted in:
- 35% reduction in medical inductions (43% reduction in women having their first baby)
- 31% reduction in the epidurals
- 32% reduction in emergency caesarean delivery
- 9 % increase in normal vaginal births
Labour Induction Acupuncture
Acupuncture can be very effective option for women past their due dates or those with a planned medical induction. Acupuncture has been shown to be a safe, non-invasive and drug free method in preparing the body for labour as well as inducing labour. During the appointment you will be taught self-administered acupressure to continue to encourage the induction process.
Prenatal Acupuncture |
Labour Prep Acupuncture |
Postnatal Acupuncture |
All Yoga Mamas acupuncture treatments are performed by a Registered Acupuncturist, which may be eligible for coverage under your health care benefits.